Revised notification form for medicine shortages and defects
The notification form of the Medicine Shortages and Defects Notification Centre has been made more user-friendly. The marketing authorisation holders that submit notifications contributed to the revision process.
The Medicine shortages and defects notification centre offers a central location for marketing authorisation holders and manufacturers to submit various notifications. By implementing these changes, the Medicine shortages and defects notification centre continues its efforts to enhance the user-friendliness and effectiveness of the notification process.
Changes in the notification form
The updated form enables notifiers to estimate the duration of supply interruptions and market share when exact data is not available. Additionally, notifiers can now request the temporary supply of a product in alternative packaging (“TAV”). This enables requests to be processed more swiftly, thereby reducing the volume of email correspondence.
The changes are described in greater detail in the user guide and the frequently asked questions, available on the website of the Medicine shortages and defects notification centre.
The updated form has been available as from Friday 25 October 2024 .The previous version of the form may be used until 30 November 2024.